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La Corte europea dei diritti umani mette fuorilegge la sorveglianza di massa, forse

Secondo la lettura fornita dal Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) di una sentenza della Corte europea dei diritti umani, la Corte ha messo fuorilegge la sorveglianza di massa, quella del genere usato dall’Nsa americana (CDT via JC de Martin).

Over the past two years, a trio of high-profile cases before the European Court of Human Rights that concern the United Kingdom’s large dragnet surveillance programs—and the country’s collaboration with the NSA—have become the focus of many activists’ hopes that the Court will effectively outlaw indiscriminate surveillance in Europe once and for all. With yesterday’s release of a judgment in a little-known case against Hungary, which builds on an equally important judgment issued against Russia in December, it turns out that the Court may effectively have just done exactly that.


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Luca De Biase

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