Il Fondo Monetario Internazionale ha condotto un’ampia ricerca sulle prospettive economiche italiane. Il rapporto è articolato in una ventina di punti. Il nono riguarda le startup e le piccole aziende:
“9. Helping small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) grow would facilitate the shift of resources to new growth areas. Reducing the high cost of startups and streamlining tax and other regulations would lower business uncertainty and costs. Expanding risk-based—as opposed to collateral-based—lending would improve SMEs’ access to credit, while developing further the venture capital and private equity industry would expand the availability of risk capital. Recent initiatives to foster firm recapitalization, such as the allowance for corporate equity, are welcome in this regard. In addition, reforms to promote greater inward FDI (among the lowest in the OECD) would allow SMEs to benefit from the growth in global supply chains and technology transfer.”
(Gli inward FDI sono investimenti diretti dall’estero in Italia)