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Fcc: la net neutrality è un valore per l’innovazione

La Fcc riprende in mano il dossier net neutrality. Le motivazioni sono chiare: occorre proteggere le piccole aziende innovative dal potenziale freno che le grandi potrebbero introdurre senza neutralità della rete. (NyTimes via JC De Martin)

“The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission will propose new rules to encourage equal access to the web, by pushing Internet providers to keep their pipelines free and open.

The proposal on so-called net neutrality, to be introduced by Tom Wheeler, the chairman of the commission, will prohibit broadband companies from blocking any sites or services from consumers. It will also aim to prevent Internet service providers from charging content companies for access to a faster, express lane on the web.

The new rules, much like the old ones, would try to restrict discrimination…

The idea, regulators say, is to keep a level playing field on the web and encourage innovation among smaller businesses. Without the rules, large, rich companies could have an unfair advantage, regulators argue”.

L’Europa dovrebbe prendere nota.

Vedi anche:

Net neutrality: perché è importante
Dopo Kroes. Dibattito sulla neutralità della rete in Europa


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