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Editor online… in fondo è semplice

Bill Mitchell riporta una conversazione con John Robinson, editor di News and Record nel North-Carolina. E’ una bella conversazione perché Robinson non ha paura. Lui reagisce, sperimenta e impara. Fa un blog. Twitta. E riflette facendo. Alla fine dei conti dice che la rete ha un effetto preciso, chiaro, fondamentale:

 “You simply need to ask a question. How cool is that? And, as a
result, you establish yourself as a person. A real person. I hope that
the people who connect with me on social networks see me as more than a
name on a masthead. I engage with them. I show some personality, to the
extent that I have one”.

Semplice. In fondo.


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Luca De Biase

Knowledge and happiness economy Media and information ecology


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