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Dear American People

Dear American People

for more than 50 years, Italians looked up to America and believed to see their future. Italians knew that what was happening in America, was going to happen in Italy in the future. America was a leader, in terms of economy, technology and politics.

But now we sort of feel the opposite. Americans risk to be choosing, for their future, something that Italians have already experienced in their past. It could be that America is no more the future of Italy: it could be that Italy is the future of America.


1. You risk to elect a president that will divide your country
2. You risk to elect a president that will make everybody talk about himself and not about what he does
3. You risk to elect a president that will make every other country laugh at you
4. You risk to elect a president that will do nothing for America while doing a lot for his personal interest
5. You risk to lose four years. After which you risk to lose another four trying to understand how all the above had been possible…


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  • Salve; un breve commento a proposito delle dispense “lezioni di futuro”. E’ un vero peccato che non ci sia alcun modo di recuperare le edizioni perse. Su 15 sono riuscito a ricordarmi di andare in edicola ed acquistarne circa 9. Il vostro lavoro è stato faticoso, credo; ci dovrebbe essere un modo per conservarlo. Nessuno per caso le ha digitalizzate?

Luca De Biase

Knowledge and happiness economy Media and information ecology


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