Adrian Mogos, giornalista investigativo – Centrul Român pentru Jurnalism de Investigație, Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism – ha pubblicato con Michael Bird il risultato di un’inchiesta durata 15 mesi che riguarda lo sfruttamento dell’uranio in Romania, Slovakia, Repubblica Ceca, Germania: FATAL EXPOSURE: The Destructive Force of Uranium Mining in Post-communist Europe.
An investigation spanning four countries – Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Germany – proves that national and local authorities show scant respect towards health and environmental risks when overseeing uranium mining and the rehabilitation of closed uranium mines. There is no comprehensive and accurate data and monitoring on the quality of life of the population living close to current and former uranium mines, while wild animals live among and feed from ponds containing waste and from dump-heaps resulted from these mines. Meanwhile hundreds of millions of euros have been spent to close uranium mines with little effect.