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Ibm. Oggetti intelligenti e aziende che si preparano

Ibm pubblica un paper pragmatico su un tema in fase esplosiva: Device democracy. Saving the future of the internet of things (pdf). Oggetti intelligenti, connessi, sensibili si moltiplicano a vista d’occhio. L’industria può lasciarsi cogliere impreparata. Una riflessione concisa e corretta è sempre utile.

“More than a billion intelligent, connected devices already comprise today’s “Internet of Things (IoT).” The expected proliferation of hundreds of billions more places us at the threshold of a transformation sweeping across the electronics industry and many others. Yet, the dream of a smart, safe and efficient future is threatened by subscription fees, ubiquitous advertising and intrusive surveillance. For the IoT to survive the end of trust and successfully scale from billions to hundreds of billions of devices, executives need to rethink the technology strategy, business models and design principles at its foundation. This first report of our study shows that a low-cost, private-by-design “democracy of devices” will emerge that will enable new digital economies and create new value, while offering consumers and enterprises fundamentally better products and user experiences.”

Sul finale, c’è anche una ricetta che molte aziende potrebbero prendere attentamente in considerazione:

Winners will:
• Enable decentralized peer-to-peer systems that allow for very low cost, privacy and long term sustainability in exchange for less direct control of data
• Prepare for highly efficient, real-time digital marketplaces built on physical assets and services with new measures of credit and risk
• Design for meaningful user experiences, rather than try to build large ecosystems or complex network solutions.
Losers will:
• Continue to invest in and support high-cost infrastructure, and be unmindful of security and privacy that can lead to decades of balance sheet overhead
• Fight for control of ecosystems and data, even when they have no measure of what its value will be
• Attempt to build ecosystems but lose sight of the value created, probably slowing adoption and limiting the usage of their solutions.


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Luca De Biase

Knowledge and happiness economy Media and information ecology


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