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Che cos’è il giornalismo?

Il Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism aveva raccolto tempo fa un insieme di risposte alla domanda: “Che cos’è il giornalismo“?

Le risposte sono affluite all’importante istituto un po’ da tutto il mondo.

Non so perché ma non mi pare di trovare risposte giunte dall’Italia. E ho la vaga sensazione che sarebbero state interessanti. Vediamo se ne vengono fuori un po’ da qui. Quali sono le nostre definizioni di giornalismo?

Intanto, ecco qualche frase che si trova sul sito del Reuters Institute.

1. In HK, journalism just means mass media
2. Many of the Egyptian journalists in Egypt consider this job as the fourth estate or the watchdog of the society
3. Journalism in Germany is often called the fourth pillar of the state;
its rights are stated in the German constitution that guarantees the
freedom of speech.
4. As for a definition of journalism in NZ, I believe we follow the
principle of fair and balanced reporting of news and issues that affect
our community
5. As journalism in Brazil has become less analytical and investigative in
the past ten years, it means essentially description of reality
6. My definition about journalism: gathering news for newspaper or website. This is in Holland a job that can be done freely
7. I think the U.S. has the broadest definition of journalism in the game
8. I suppose the definition of “journalism” in Poland is much similar to that in Britain
9. As a former President of the Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago, I
can say that here the agreed definition of a journalist is someone
involved in the gathering and disseminating of news as their premier
10. As for the question about the definition of Journalism in Japan, it is
difficult…actually we do not have its specific definition as there is
no completely equivalent words for ‘journalism’ in Japanese language
11. There are two types of definitions of journalism in America. The
journalists’ definition, which British journalists would recognise,
involving integrity, objectivity, rigour, etc.  Then there is the
definition critics of the media use. Here I mean folks who think the
‘mainstream media,’ now often identified with an acronym, MSM, has
failed the USA


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Luca De Biase

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