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Cambiare pagina – La tecnologia è nuova non il giornalismo

Kate Adie, già Chief News Correspondent di BBC News, sostiene che mentre la tecnologia per la distribuzione, la produzione, la fruizione delle notizie sta cambiando radicalmente, il metodo e il senso della ricerca di informazione non cambia. 

Ecco due estratti dall’articolo che riporta un suo discorso negli Emirati, pubblicato dal Khaleej Times.

«William Howard Russell, an Irish reporter with The Times, in the 1800s and possibly one of the first modern war journalists: journalism’s duty is to tell everybody what is happening so people who are watching, reading and listening to the news can make educated decisions concerning their own lives. In short, to counter the negative view of journalism, journalists should aim to do useful journalism.

Kate muses the typical question a journalist should aim to ask himself/herself: “What can I tell them that they ought to know?” She cites Martha Gelhorn, an American war correspondent, as one of her later influences and inspirations in her journalistic career; but over the decades, Kate herself has managed to become a role model to many budding journalists and women all over the world.»


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Luca De Biase

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