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Weisberg critica il Daily

Il presidente di Slate, Jacob Weisberg, non misura le parole: il Daily non gli piace per niente. I contenuti sono banali, le notizie non sono aggiornate, i lettori non sono rispettati:

Slate chairman Jacob Weisberg certainly didn’t mince words about Rupert
Murdoch’s new baby The Daily in a lecture to journalism students at
Columbia University last Thursday. Looking very professorial standing
behind the podium in a blazer and blue jeans, with a low-hanging scarf
around his neck, he said of News Corp.’s new iPad newspaper, “It
represents everything that I hope you will steer clear of as
journalists and people who think about news in relation to technology.
I mean, first of all the content itself is very low-brow, facile, kind
of USA Today, you know. It’s very attractive, but if you read the
articles, they’re 600 words long and they sort of digest what you know

“It’s a daily, it’s once a day,” he continued. “They
say they break in and update it for big news, but did they update it
five times today to point out that [Egyptian president Hosni] Mubarak
was going to resign though he didn’t in fact resign, what’s the
response to that? No, they may have updated it at some point. It’s a
digest, it doesn’t have an active relationship [with the news] that
we’ve come to expect. There’s no commenting, no social media, no links
out. ” But how did he really feel? “It’s just a bad version of a newspaper in
electronic form with a very condescending view of the audience.”


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  • Sinceramente, non mi sembra un commento tanto significativo, non tanto per l’autore quanto per il contenuto: che cavolo vuol dire che ha fatto degli aggiornamenti dicendo che Mubarak si dimetteva e ivece non si dimetteva (e poi si è dimesso) ? Ma questo esimio li ha letti i siti web dei giornali durante quella giornata ?

Luca De Biase

Knowledge and happiness economy Media and information ecology


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