Mi pare che questa comunicazione di Gartner sia un buon promemoria per le prossime fasi di lavoro dell’Agid: Gartner Says Government CIOs Must Flip from “Legacy First” to “Digital First”.
“By shifting the management and provisioning of infrastructure to centralized government shared-service entities or to viable commercial vendors, government CIOs can lead by example and update IT management techniques to adopt the design-for-change mindset that is essential in the digital age,” said Mr Howard. “In relatively short time, cloud has moved from a concept, to a possibility, to a viable option and, for a small minority of government CIOs, is now first choice when a project comes along.”
IT vendors are moving fast in the direction of cloud-based service models. At the same time, government agencies are becoming more comfortable with cloud solutions based within their regional or national borders for reasons of subscription pricing and increased business agility. Australia, the US and the UK are all aggressively pushing forward with supporting cloud-first strategies.
“With cost, value and security as top considerations, government CIOs should begin with the assumption that public cloud is the preferred deployment option and then, if necessary, work back from public cloud to the cloud, co-location or on-premises option that provides the best fit for their business environment,” said Mr Howard. “When interrelated processes and services are coordinated and delivered by multiple government and nongovernment organisations — enabled by context-sensitive data exchange — government performance and social outcomes will be truly transformed.”
Accordingly, improving business intelligence and analytic capabilities continues to consume the attention of CIOs across the board. The opportunities to enhance government services will increasingly involve unstructured, harder-to-process information, such as multimedia and social information. Given the rate of change in a digital business environment, backward-looking reporting is less and less valuable. Rather than attempt to optimise based on past data, government CIOs need to develop the capabilities to generate forward-looking predictive analytics and combine this information with data-led experimentation to create the future.
Vabbè. Forse approfondendo andrei un pelino più avanti. Perché dalla centralità delle gare e dei capitolati ICT occorrerebbe passare alla progettualità pragmatica che la standardizzazione architetturale basata su internet consente, alimentata da piani orientati a sviluppare una pratica di “forward looking procurement”. E se non è consentito dalle pastoie burocratiche, sarà bene che queste vengano rottamate. Magari mi sbaglio, ma spero che si sviluppi una riflessione pratica e veloce su questa questione.