Nel Regno Unito hanno una struttura chiamata Technology Strategy Board che lancia competizioni tra i territori del regno che vogliono darsi una strategia di crescita, per far nascere nuove imprese e per aiutare l’innovazione nelle piccole imprese. (Techworld)
The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) has published details of how it plans to invest £250m of new government funding in around 60 competitions, which it claims will lead to innovative projects and business growth.
The TSB is a non-departmental public body (NDPB), established by the government in 2007 to stimulate technology-enabled innovation in the areas that offer the greatest scope for boosting UK growth and productivity.
This is largely achieved through competitions, whereby the TSB identifies a problem that needs to be solved and invites private sector technology companies to design solutions. Those that come up with the most compelling proposals receive funding to realise their ideas. continua…