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Consigli ai freelance

FreelanceSwitch ha proposto alla sua community di contribuire a una raccolta di consigli per chi si avvia alla professione del freelance. In ogni settore, non solo nel giornalismo.

On Clients…

“How you handle lateness can strengthen rather than weaken client relationships.” nerdburn

“Don’t mention w3c or valid coding during a pitch…talk about ROI and improving business.” Satch

you manage them right, repeat customers will be more profitable than
new ones. Work hard to turn all your new customers into repeat
customers.” FreelanceMan

“People buy benefits, not features.” Mike_Smith

On Money…

“Charge more. And make sure you are worth it.” betty

“Don’t take on more than you can handle you will end up losing more than you thought you would be earning.” black.p

“Don’t forget taxes.” betty

On the Craft…

“A website is never “done”. It is only abandoned.”  lickynee

“If It’s worth doing twice, it’s worth creating a system for.” Lukevdp

“Don´t be afraid of asking something you dont know to someone who is more experienced than you.” Eliffio

up at the same time every morning, shower, get dressed like you’re
leaving the house, and sit down with a cup of coffee in your office at
the same time every day.” nerdburn

On Marketing & Growth…

“Make sure you are marketing your business every week, even when you are swamped.” Alovhaug

“Don’t let the marketing messages you send out by accident get in the way of marketing messages you send out on purpose.” FreelanceMan

carry business cards with you and hand them out to everyone you meet,
your neighbor’s gardener’s uncle might be a millionaire who needs your
services.” Max///AgencyZebra

On Sanity…

“Enjoy what you do, when you stop enjoying it. Stop doing it.” AlexHughes

“Never let your freelance life dictate your personal life, or visa versa.” AmberTurner

Qualcosa da aggiungere?


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  • Charge more ???????????????????????????????
    Sufficientemente chiaro ?

Luca De Biase

Knowledge and happiness economy Media and information ecology


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