Sabato, 2 giugno 2007
E anche FeedBurner va a Google
Il motivo? Ancora e sempre, raccogliere informazioni sugli utenti... Per questo Google ha comprato FeedBurner. (Complimenti per l'intuizione a Luca Conti).
10:43:59 PM
Il tizio che prende gli occhiali
Un video assurdo: ma ha fatto due milioni e trecento mila views...
10:40:02 PM
Bridgeblogging Shade in Italy: Les trois ordres Weekly - sort of - spot about Italian news. (Sorry for my weak English).
is Festa della Repubblica. But Italians are discussing about something
very old: the Republic is what we see, but the real power is somewhere
else. Where?
Giuseppe De Rita, a sociologist, has been writing
about the two separate oligarchies that have the real power in Italy:
an oligarchy that controls the state and an oligarchy that control
finance are at works to govern the country. But we should add one more,
to be precise: the oligarchy that control the Church. We still have a
system organized in a medieval way, similar to the one that Georges
Duby has described in his essai called Les trois ordres, ou l'imaginarie du féodalisme. Please click to read this story.
Previous Shades: Politics and Entrepreneurs (May 26th, 2007)
Tag: Italy, Italian, Shade in Italy
4:15:07 PM
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