Lunedì, 29 dicembre 2008
Ultime notizie...
PewResearch: i siti superano i giornali come fonte di notizie Inquisitr: i pericoli delle notizie in tempo reale BusinessWeek: giornali online sostenuti con le donazioni
5:52:49 PM
Edge. Economisti
Una raccolta di opinioni su Edge sul rapporto tra scienza ed economia. Esempi:
RUSHKOFF: The greatest danger of this compromised and arbitrary "scientific-style" approach to economics is that it implies an
equivalence of the economy with nature. MIKE BROWN: I think the main thing science has to offer in this crisis right now is a
little dose of its traditional empirical humility GEORGE
DYSON: "Ten years ago I started a company based on the assumption that
people are basically good," argued E-Bay founder Pierre Omidyar (at the
Santa Fe Institute) in 2004. "And now I have the data to prove it."
Instead of putting a dozen scientists in a room to come up with a
better model of the existing global financial system, we
should put a dozen Pierre Omidyars, Elon Musks, Salar Kamangars, and
Jeff Bezoses in a room (with Danny Hillis) and let them actually build one (a new financial system, not another model). EMANUEL
DERMAN: This is a noble proposal, but I remain a bit of a skeptic with
respect to the ability of a cohort of scientists and economists to find
a scientific solution to the problems of our economy. Economies are
living organisms, about as old as the oldest profession, and rebuilding
the economic system from scratch is a problem in engineering and social
engineering, not in science. Human's and scientists don't have a good
history as regards social engineering. MICHAEL
SHERMER: Expand the problem by many orders of magnitude and we get a
sense of the breathtaking inanity of trying to control an entire
economy, no matter how smart the experts in our hypothetical economic
Manhattan Project may be. The economy is a product of human action, not of human design. Trying to redesign something that was never designed in the first place is futile. I vote no on an economic Manhattan Project.
5:26:48 PM
Who nose?
Si avvicina il momento in cui sarà obbligatorio scrivere del futuro, solo perché tutti prevedono - con qualche certezza - che tra poco comincerà un nuovo anno. Sicché i giornali si preparano a questa incombenza. Qualcuno con maggiore precisione. Da consultare per esempio l'Economist. Ma lo strumento principale per avere un'idea di dove andare a parare quando si deve scrivere del futuro resta quello di sempre.
Quindi non resta che chiedersi: who nose?
4:06:41 PM
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