Venerdì, 20 aprile 2007
Autocitarsi paga...
Uno studio di James H. Fowler e Dag W. Aksnes che leggo via Marginal Revolution dimostra che le autocitazioni scientifiche funzionano per aumentare il rating degli scienziati nelle classifiche che valutano l'impatto della ricerca usando come criterio il numero di citazioni ottenute dai paper scientifici. Meglio non basarsi solo su quello, dunque.
4:46:50 PM
Google compra Marratech
Marratech fa software per i meeting digitali. Il suo software si scarica sul computer. Se Google l'ha comprata significa che: vuole cambiare il software per farlo utilizzare via browser; oppure vuole avere un altro prodotto da mettere sul desktop degli utenti.
Non si sa quanto sia costata l'acquisizione. Ma non ce ne preoccupiamo: Google ha 12 miliardi di dollari di liquidità.
4:41:30 PM
Modelli di idee in vendita Studio dell'Ocse su User-created content
Leggo uno studio dell'Ocse sui mercati dei contenuti prodotti dal pubblico attivo. Riporto tre citazioni per reference:
Most UCC sites have been start-ups or non-commercial ventures of enthusiasts, but commercial firms are now playing an increasing role in supporting, hosting, searching, aggregating, filtering and diffusing UCC. Most models are still in flux and revenue generation for content creators or commercial firms (e.g. media companies) are only now beginning. Different UCC types (e.g., blogs, video content) have different although similar approaches to monetising UCC. There are five basic models: i) voluntary contributions, ii) charging viewers for services - pay-per-item or subscription models, including bundling with existing subscriptions, iii) advertising-based models, iv) licensing of content and technology to third parties, and v) selling goods and services to the community ("monetising the audience via online sales"). These models can also remunerate creators, either by sharing revenues or by direct payments from other users.
Quanto all'impatto sull'editoria tradizionale:
The shift to Internet-based media is only beginning to affect content publishers and broadcasters. At the outset, UCC may have been seen as competition as: i) users may create and watch UCC at the expense of traditional media, reducing advertising revenues, ii) users become more selective in their media consumption (especially younger age groups), iii) some UCC platforms host unauthorised content from media publishers. However, some traditional media organisations have shifted from creating on-line content to creating the facilities and frameworks for UCC creators to publish. They have also been making their websites and services more interactive through user comment and ratings and content diffusion. TV companies are also licensing content and extending on-air programs and brands to UCC platforms.
Le opportunità emergenti per utenti, aziende e politica:
The rapid rise of UCC is raising new questions for users, business and policy. Policy issues are grouped under six headings: i) enhancing R&D, innovation and technology, ii) developing a competitive, non-discriminatory framework environment, iii) enhancing the infrastructure, iv) shaping business and regulatory environments, v) governments as producers and users of content, and vi) better measurement.
Tag: Ocse, User-created content, Crossmedia
4:23:22 PM
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