Majors on the attack mode
Joy Ito has an interesting debate on what the majors of content want from us.
What I think: the majors are not only answering to what they call piracy. They are on an attack mode. I say this thinking at what they have done in Germany (people has to pay personal computers 12 euro more to compensate copyright holders for the losses caused by people copying copyrighted text on their pcs) or in Italy (people that uses p2p sites to get music for free go in jail, yes, in jail; and we all have to pay a tax on virgin cds to compensate the majors for illegal burning of copyrighted material).
Anybody pays that. Even if I burn on a cd my own pictures, I have to pay some money to the majors. Even if a German uses a pc to write her own poems, she has to pay.
The majors have succeeded in having people that don't do "piracy" pay them money for any activity they do with their own content. They want to be paid for any content, even if it is not theirs!
This is what they do. They want total control on content. That's their dream. Blogging is a sort of social answer to what has been until now a centralized and controlled media system. But as the major go ahead with their lobbying, the blogosphere, with all its next improvements, will become more and more important. As an experiment, I started a videoblog... it's a small small thing and only in Italian until now... but it has made think the Italian speaking blogosphere that a new kind of tv is coming... And as you all know, our tv has a lot to improve... What do you think?
If you like to have a look, here is the videoblog:

Luca De Biase, blogging from Italy
Please visit my Italian site
Italian blog
5:11:21 PM