Lunedì, 13 dicembre 2004
The Italian government's leader has issued another of his promises: he will cancel the "par condicio" law. That law wants to preserve even conditions of access to TV time for majority and opposition. The government's leader says that this law is against freedom. As everybody knows, he owns 3 national TV channels, and being prime minister he also controls the 3 state owned national TV channels. Without that law, all 6 channels and their directors (that get their wages from the prime minister) will be free to give him more time and to give the opposition less time in TV... This is freedom...
8:03:41 AM

VERONA - Wow! David Weinberger has linked this blog in his BlogRolodex! It feels like I was admitted to the conversation... WE ARE BRIDGING, finally... At least with people that listen!
--- please visit my Italian site at: http://www.debiase.com ---
7:51:52 AM
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Luca De Biase.
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