Sabato, 11 dicembre 2004
POST - 54 journalists killed in 2004. Fifty-four journalists were killed this year, making 2004 the deadliest year for the media in a decade, a watchdog group said Friday. [Salon.com]
11:48:56 AM
VERONA - It happened again. Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, was acquitted or his convictions have been reversed on appeal or annulled because the statute of limitations had run out. He has given 434.000 dollars to a judge (Renato Squillante) but he cannot be punished because it happened too many years ago. He succeeded in having time pass. He didn't succeed in crearing completely his position and his defence has said that they will go to appeal about it. He is not guilty in judicial terms if there is an appeal. But politically he is in a strange position. What should he do? Did he pay a judge? And if yes, as judges sentenced, why he did it? Should he resign and clear his position? Well, one thing is sure: he will not do it...
--- please visit my Italian site at: http://www.debiase.com ---
11:43:25 AM
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