Domenica, 12 dicembre 2004
VERONA - Very good, David. But let me add something. I started my blog in my poor English exactly to bridge a gap that is difficult to see: Mediterranean European countries are strangely far away in the Western way to see the world. I mean: it is easy to think at the gap with Japan or Middle East, it seems forgettable the gap with Italy of Greece. But it is a great gap and it is growing. These are very dangerous times for Italy... We risk to lose contact. And if we Italians lose our contact, we can sink...
11:06:58 PM
POST - File Sharing Goes to High Court. The messy fight between the recording industry and online music swappers will be decided by the Supreme Court, which agrees to hear the case next spring. [Wired News]
6:33:15 PM
VERONA - Sunny day, today. It's fall and it's warm. Tomorrow I'm leaving to Japan. And I already miss my strange, foolish, wonderful country...
I'm going to visit Docomo and Nec. But it is Japanese culture that interests me.
While I'm preparing, I take a look at this picture: it's Verona from the ancient walls on the hills surrounding the city.
--- please visit my Italian site at: http://www.debiase.com ---
11:27:40 AM
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