Luca De Biase
An Italian journalist writes about what's happening in his funny country:
a laboratory for the study of broken democracy and creative capitalism.
Plus news about media and cultures.

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Sabato, 10 dicembre 2005

La terra di restringe. E si innalza... Continua qui

7:55:01 PM    comment [];

Saving democracy in Italy could be even harder

There is one law that limits Berlusconi's power on the media in Italy: it is called Par Conditio. That means that tv-time must be eavenly shared between different parties.

But Berlusconi wants to change that law. And he said so again, while in Turkey. He wants that major parties have the right to have more tv-time, even by buying spots... Observers in Italy note that a change in the Par Conditio law would make Berlusconi more able to spread his message on voters and at the same time it would make him richer, because his Mediaset would sell more ads... Piero Fassino, of the leftist democrats, has criticized Berlusconi (which is not surprising, I understand...).     

After some hours of discussions he softened his position as Agi reports.

(Silvio Berlusconi is prime minister in Italy. He owns three of the five major tv networks in privates hands and controls three more networks that are state owned)      

7:12:39 PM    comment [];

Gizmo: uno Skype con una cosa fondamentale in più...

Gizmo funziona più o meno come Skype. Ma ha una caratteristica fondamentale: supporta il protocollo standard Sip (Session Initiation Protocol) il che lo rende interoperabile con tutti gli altri sistemi di messaggistica e voip che hanno la stessa caratteristica (come iChat e Yahoo! Messenger). Il network di Skype invece è proprietario.

Nel breve periodo, Skype vince perché ha più utenti. Ma nel lungo termine, dovrebbe vincere lo standard aperto... L'interoperabilità mette tutti sullo stesso piano e consente di andare a vedere chi è più bravo...      

6:59:32 PM    comment [];

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