Luca De Biase
An Italian journalist writes about what's happening in his funny country:
a laboratory for the study of broken democracy and creative capitalism.
Plus news about media and cultures.

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Domenica, 20 novembre 2005

Su Braudel: alcune discussioni aperte e promettenti...
7:11:01 PM    comment [];

The Pope reduces Franciscan order's freedom

The Franciscans in Assisi are no more independent. Decision making for them goes to the regular hierarchy. The new bishop, Domenico Sorrentino, will be in charge. This has been decided by Ratzinger, the new Pope.

Franciscans were working hard with movements dedicated to "peace in the world" issues. They organized important ecumenical meetings. They were probably too "noisy".
12:13:24 PM    comment [];

Oh, yes...


Information wants to be free (Stewart Brand's times)


Information wants to be expensive (Nasdaq's times)


Information wants to be found (Google's times)

10:21:08 AM    comment [];

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Last update: 1-12-2005; 23:33:07.
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